i don't know why dude hate the game so much, i think the game is pretty good, and some of the games he listed i think are really bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, kinda cringe hating on a porn game lol
as of version 21. Why the fuck i need to download the windows, linux and mac files together? thats 22gb that i will never download and check the game out
version 0.11 is bugged and you can't progress some quests after day 50, download the version 0.10, finish the content of the game on that versions then download the 0.11 and play that version
I think the game is buged, when i end the linear part in the beggining i talk to the slave master and go to sleep, the next thing that happens looks like it`s a mid to end game content, a lot of things and dialog happens and i don`t know nothing abaout what they are saing because the game jumped everything to the end
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