Hello, and tried to translate the game as best as possible into Spanish. The translation file is at this link. To add it to the game you just have to go to: "MBM_ver1.2.7.0\MonsterBlackMarket_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization" and paste it there
(If the author of the game is interested in adding it for the next version, I have no problem adding the file)
Hola, e intentado traducir lo ejor posible el juego el español. El archivo de traducción está en este enlace. Para añadirlo aljuego solo tienes que ir a: "MBM_ver1.2.7.0\MonsterBlackMarket_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization" y pegarlo ahí
(Si el autor del juego está interesado en añadirlo para la siguiente verisón yo no tengo ningún porblema en que añada el archivo)
Hello, and tried to translate the game as best as possible into Spanish. The translation file is at this link. To add it to the game you just have to go to: "MBM_ver1.2.7.0\MonsterBlackMarket_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization" and paste it there
(If the author of the game is interested in adding it for the next version, I have no problem adding the file)
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