If you have SteamVR installed, this game will always automatically start SteamVR dispite not being a VR game. To get around this, create a shortcut of the executable and open the 'properties' of the shortcut. In the 'Target' field after the file path put the argument -nohmd after the quotes so it looks something like this:
"Drive:\Directory\Way of the Sorcerer hotfix 0.1.51\WindowsNoEditor\GameWayOfTheSorcerer.exe" -nohmd
Launching from this shortcut will launch the game without SteamVR launching aswell.
Another great gem here, if you ever played the old flash game sim broth or any brothel style simulator, this is the game for you. All 3D and Animated. Buy slaves, train them through love, fear or both and sell them on for profit or turn them into working girls, to assist you or earn you money, you can also dominate them when they become insane and turn them into pet girls. Tons of other content and mechanics to, definately worth checking out.
Hands down, one of the best games out there. Fully 3D and animated with orbiting cameras, this point and click game provides endless hours of content. Seriously without using the walkthrough, you could be playing this game for years without making much progress. There are some minor bugs here and there as well as numourous English spelling and grammatical errors, but the sex scenes and story more than make up for it. This is for you if you are into corruption, suggested incest and fucking litterally every woman you meet with tons of different positions, cosutmes, scenarios and story. Definately give this one a go, you wont regret it.
Not usually a fan of RenPy games as although they are quite rich in story, they lack visuals. However this one is one of the few I make an exception for due to the unique mechanics and not terrible animated scenes. If you are into mind control, corruption, monster girls, deep and interesting story, and choices that seem to matter, then this is a game definately worth checking out. It also recieves regular updates, although they are quite small so you will quickly reach dead ends where you cannot advance down certain story paths. But that also allows you to streach the experience out over a long period of time. Alot the mechanics eluded to but not yet implemented are also very exciting and unquie so I look forward to those.
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