Aluron: Return of Man

Версия - 2nd release fix





Aluron is a grid- and turn-based tactical RPG. The player is thrust into a mystical world inhabited by various anthro races instead of humans, where they find they've a prophecy to fulfill and little hope of returning home. The player can recruit various characters into their party of four, then venture into dangerous dungeons in search of sweet loots and xp levels - hoping to grow renowned and powerful enough to bring together the tribes of Aluron and help overthrow their oppressors.​

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Этот разработчик также на Patreon - Если вам нравится игра, пожалуйста, подумайте о том, чтобы поддержать их, чтобы они продолжали создавать отличные игры в будущем.

Version 2nd release fix
Developer Joni2k
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2022-04-09



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