Severed Realms

Версия - Season-1-Part-1- 0.0.7 Prepatched





This is a story about you. A Knight of the realm and your job as protector of all those within it. At the start, the king of your realm has been letting another king ravage the very lands and people you are trying to protect. It is now time to stop this madness and stop the abusive king. In doing so you will set off a chain of events that will forever change your life and that of those around you. - Magic, myths, and legends come together to bring you Severed Realms and the people you will meet and learn to love or hate along the way. So be prepared to laugh, cry, get emotional and most of all enjoy my story and share it among your friends. - :

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Length Approx. 2 hours, 45 minutes depending on reading speed.
Version Season-1-Part-1- 0.0.7 Prepatched
Developer SeveredRealms Subscribestar
OS Windows, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2022-11-24



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