A Reflection In Your Eyes

Версия - Final





Grimson Mountains - a small town, famous for its peaceful atmosphere and a good level of education. It is not surprising that the hero's parents sent him and his sister here so that they could continue their education at the local college, G. M. College. - From the first day of their stay, they fell in love with the local atmosphere: friendly people, peace, a large number of ways for personal growth. - But in life there are not only bright colors. Having met a kind person, you will definitely encounter with its opposite. - Your actions and desires always have consequences. In addition, this city has two names. Singing Forest - the long-forgotten name of this heavenly place. - It is good that the hero's father helps him, by virtue of his profession, with the study of theories and riddles that ordinary people do not even think about. - The question is, does the hero want to learn secrets that are hidden from others for a reason?​

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Version Final
Developer StateOfMind Gamecore
OS Windows, Linux, Mac.
Language English
Thread updated 2021-09-04


Последние комментарии


This game has no story, it's a nonsensical game with no rhyme or reason. The animation is acceptable and the scenes serve their purpose, but the story is rubbish. If the game had a somewhat coherent story it would be mediocre, unfortunately it's a bad game.