Nex(e)us Institute

Версия - 0.05.3





Nicole Lowe is the principal of the prestigious Nexeus Institute, a school where promising students can aim for their ideal study path in order to be ready to make their mark on history. The school, however, hides a secret that only Nicole knows; whoever is inside the school walls loses any psychic defense, becoming much easier to hypnotize and control at will. Such power certainly cannot go to waste and Nicole is willing to exploit it in the best possible way... after all, with great powers comes great responsibilities and a harem ready to satisfy your every desire cannot just come out of nowhere. Nicole better be careful, though, as even her smallest mistake could lead her to become nothing more than an obedient slave.​

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Version 0.05.3
Developer TheHypnotizator
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-08-24



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