Snake Thompson

Версия - final beta 4





My name is Snake, Snake Thompson... Okay... Snake isn't my real name but that's what they call me. - I'm back in my hometown. I left this cursed place 15 years ago and swore I'd never be back but... you know, things don't always go according to plan. - I spent the last 6 years locked up, but that's a story for another time since it's got nothing to do with why I'm back. Last month someone killed my brother, here, in New Coral City. I know what you're thinking, but he was nothing like me... - He was a respected Chemistry Professor at New Coral City University. A good man, married to a good woman. The cops still don't know who killed him. They say it was a robbery gone wrong. They say it's a bad part of town. - But that's bullshit. If the police won't investigate, I will. - So here I am, a free man, ready to take matters into my own hands.​

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Censorship No
Version final beta 4
Developer/Publisher HoneyGames
OS Windows
Language English
Updated July 12, 2018



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