Brad's Erotic Week

Версия - Episode 7 [1.7.3]





As the title suggests, Brad’s Erotic Week covers (or will cover, once it is complete) one week in the life of Brad (the PC). As the game opens, he is a lonely guy with a taste for voyeurism who has become obsessed with a woman he saw in a coffee shop. - Brad’s loneliness doesn’t last long though, as the other women in his life start making it known that they’re open to being more than friends (as long as the player doesn’t screw it up). There are four romance options in the base game, although one of them (Serenthia) has barely been implemented. Four more romance options are planned for inclusion, starting with Jasmine and Azumi, who have already been introduced in the game.​

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Censorship None
Version Episode 7 [1.7.3]
Developer / Publisher Wolfshadowe
Platform Windows
Language English
Updated December 13, 2017



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