Secret Care Cafe

Версия - 0.8.36 Public





Everyday seemed like nothing was changing. Go into your cubicle, put in numbers to the sheets, prepare presentations, hope for bonus every quarter. Only to see your manager get all the credit for your work. Was it your fate to spend the rest of your days at the same place, being just an insignificant pawn in your own life? No! - You've had enough! With the help of your loyal girlfriend Cynthia, you took a loan, left your old workplace behind and opened a Maid Cafe! Cynthia and two of her good friends become maids that will help you with everyday struggles!

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Version 0.8.36 Public
Developer Rare AlexSubsribestarItch.ioVNDB/X
OS Windows, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-06-13



Последние комментарии


You guys forgot the NTR tag


@Execro I will look forward for what you said about this games and I hope its true


Wow ! For a live-management game, this one is cool ! You have to manage a cafe, but the reality is you have to manage your maids, their tiredness and other things, the story is still at the beginning but this one is interesting, the relation you can have with the girls are different, like one is in love of you, another is crazy of you after the death of her ex-bf and another just need a dick, and btw you have a gf, so just do what you wan't, the game is cool as fuck !