Inquisitor Trainer

Версия - 0.4.8 Cheat





The game based on naughty and perverted dark gothic era of the far future. - Which you, Player will take the role of a young female protagonist, tasked to investigate the disappearance of several officials and other mysterious cases in the city which might be related to certain heretical cult. However, she will not conduct her investigation in a conventional manner, due to her lack of training and proper equipment. - She will have to 'improvise' and to use whatever means necessary to achieve her goals.​

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Этот разработчик также на Patreon - Если вам нравится игра, пожалуйста, подумайте о том, чтобы поддержать их, чтобы они продолжали создавать отличные игры в будущем.

Version 0.4.8 Cheat
Developer Adeptus Celeng DeviantArt
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-11-18



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