Under Yria's Protection

Версия - Demo





A game love, faith and the kinds of trouble you can get into when you care more about a single person than the rest of the world. - In this game, we observe the lives of Sadabelle and Imogen, a pair of nuns in service to Yria, the Hidden Goddess. - Imogen receives a letter from one of her sister's housemaids suggesting that there is trouble in her hometown, and springs to action without considering the consequences. Sadabelle, her friend of 7 years, runs off with her. - Their lives at the convent were simple, and never intended to amount to much; just a lifetime of service to their abbey, working the goddess' meager parcel of land and living in harmony with other women in dedication and worship to their goddess. - But that's all behind them now.​

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Version Demo
Developer Large Battleship Studios
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2020-06-14



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