The Spirits of Murala

Версия - v0.16





Looooong ago, in a parallel universe relativistically far away, existed a world called Murala by its denizens. It was packed with fantasy races, magic, enchanted glades, and what have you. The interesting part was what happened Then! You are Jaron, the Spiritbearer (read: King) of the Kingdom of Ban Vyg. The Spirit you bear is Vigour and it's an immensely powerful being tied into the existence of the world itself. What do you do as a mortal king in the possession of an immensely powerful being, you might ask? Well, first, you're under siege. Second,... that is up to you.​

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Version v0.16
Developer AsphaltoidBlog
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2018/12/21



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