Sunshine Love

Версия - Chapter 3 - 1.00i Extras





You are an aspiring junior associate at a prestigious law firm, with hopes of one day becoming a trial lawyer, just like your current girlfriend of five years, Nicole. - But that dream has been put on hold the moment your sister calls you out of the blue, needing you to help her save her struggling hotel business and offering you a job down at Sunshine Bay during the summer.

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Version Chapter 3 - 1.00i Extras
Developer Mr Dots Games SubscribeStar
OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-12-21



Последние комментарии


Thanks but i already have CH3 last update, i want the next update or the latest on CH3, rather then this one which is actually CH2 even though its titled as CH3.




this game excellent, just lacks regulars updates, but I'm confused, update states CH2 thought we are on CH3 now? also marked complete so is that CH2 complete? but CH2 was complete a while ago mid 2023 on update 1.01 is this the same update, just uploaded again? and will we get CH3 update?


plesase i already want a new update?


Some game creators are so greedy for money they will never learn when to time their stories right, some really fantastic stories have all been badly ruined thanks to some very greedy creators who try to delay some crucial scenes on the expense of ruining everything for every player. I know people who have given up on these AVNs primarily becoz each one of them take too long to complete, most are created in fractions, so mostly players forget which interesting AVN they had been playing 2-3 weeks ago? And then when the update comes it's yet another fraction of the game which tries to delay the story from reaching a crucial milestone. This AVN Sunshine Love is one such lousy storyline, which has been delayed so much that it has finally lost it's charm. This is why I do not want to pay, it's like throwing yr money in the abyss for incomplete AVNs and many of them might never even reach a decisive end due to their greedy creators.


I'm a stickler for story, and the beginning made me cringe so much I couldn't keep playing. Ten minutes of following this dude around at the beginning, and none of it feels like it's going to be relevant considering we'll be following a different MC in a few minutes. What woman, who works as an exotic dancer, is going to introduce her kid to a guy that she just met, who waited for her outside of her place of business? Especially after he was thrown out? The poor English localization makes it even worse.. The models were attractive from what I saw on the splashes. It's too bad they're all basically the same face.


This looks good and has some nice animations. Sexual sounds (moans, slurps, slaps,...) in the scenes would make it even better though ;). Looking forward to an update with more content and sounds.