Nekura Ayako, in order to bid farewell to her introverted self from middle school, was preparing for her high school debut alone in her room, practicing self-introductions muttering to herself. - ...However, despite appearing well-prepared, Ayako had completely forgotten about the crucial aspect of making friends...! - By chance, she became friends with a boy who shamelessly groped her breasts, and for some reason, she misunderstood that doing naughty things would increase her number of friends. As a result, she ended up executing a peculiar plan that could be called eccentric...
Original Title | 友達100人出来るかな? |
Version | 1.00 |
Developer | CourregesTry |
OS | Windows |
Language | English (GPT 3.5 Turbo) |
Thread Updated | 2023-11-06 |
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