Dirty Texts - Melissa's Secret

Версия - 1.0





Part of the "Dirty Texts" franchise. In "Melissa's Secret" you play the role of a man whose girlfriend's daughter, Melissa, decided to start a JustFans page. A platform which she uses to sell sexy pics of herself. Since you're the closest thing she has to a male role model, it's your job to talk her out of it. Whether or not you will actually succeed remains to be seen. - Melissa is an 18 year old girl, who has a lot of insecurities about her body. Melissa thrives on the validation she recieves from felling accepted by those around her. At this point in her life, Melissa's future is very fluid. She could be just a sweet girl who made bad decision. Perhaps she's actually your soulmate, or maybe she could be the perfect little slut you've always hoped to find. Her future is in your hands. How will you guide her?​

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Version 1.0
Developer RoyalCandy
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-08-22



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