Chemical Subservience

Версия - 0.2de





The games follows a young student just before his first day at university. Innocent, he just arrived from his rural village. Without much money to start he accepts a place in an hormonal drug testing program set up by the university. - When he wakes up, he discovers with stupor that he suffered a sex-change. - He soons finds out he\'s not the only one in town it happened with. - He will thus try to recover his body, while continuing his daily life, the time that the serum will be produced (if it is)​

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Этот разработчик также на Patreon - Если вам нравится игра, пожалуйста, подумайте о том, чтобы поддержать их, чтобы они продолжали создавать отличные игры в будущем.

Censorship No
Version 0.2de
Developer/Publisher KikiLodia
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Thread Updated 2021-12-05



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