Glow of Venus

Версия - Final





Less than a year before graduation, the protagonist has to change schools, - because his parents changed jobs to a town hundreds of miles from his old school and didn't want to rent him a flat at their old town. - Forced into a new school with no friends and closed circles hard to get into, - one day he finds an anonymous note in his shoe locker, asking him to meet them in a classroom after school. - Halfway expecting someone to play a prank on him or a school gang aiming to rough him up and extort him for money, - he still anxiously makes his way to the specified room... - is both a small, self-contained kinetic adult Visual Novel, - as well as a stand-alone Prologue to an upcoming larger VN I'm working on, - in which the female lead character of this little VN will play a major role again.​

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Version Final
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2022-07-14



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