A Skinwalker Fantasy

Версия - 0.14a





Skinwalkers are sorcerers, warlocks of legend who can alter their physical apparence to better suit their impulses, and trick infortunate people into following them in the wilderness so that they may never reappear. Except, they do reappear, their likeness does, the skinwalker can wear the skin of a person or an animal and effectively mimic them to a certain extent. That is where you come into the story, the little town of Sancester has been in the middle of strange disappearences, and this time it is not about people, it is about skinwalkers mysteriously vanishing and a deafening sound that came from somewhere around town. - You, being a rather new skinwalker, are asked to investigate the town and discover what's happening and why this town seems to be in the center of a big conspiracy !​

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Version 0.14a
Developer TheSkinFlayer
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-09-04


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