Quantum Entanglements

Версия - V0.06c





You’ve just started your first job as a Lab Assistant at Digital Dynamics, a global tech company. On your first day, you are told you will be testing a full-dive virtual reality simulator that offers a whole sensory experience. Snowy, the CEO of Digital Dynamics, and his assistant, the quippy artificial lifeform Zero Seven, will guide and monitor you through your adventure and new role. - To assess the viability & safety of the full-sensory dive environment, you will have sexual encounters with various women. You notice that the women in the simulated world resemble people you'll encounter daily. - Will you be able to differentiate between the game world and the real world?​

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Version V0.06c
Developer Postboned Games SubscribeStarItch.io
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-05-03



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