Eros' Lust

Версия - 0.3





In this game you play as a young man on vacation with his family, on the way back home you run into crazy storms, forcing the pilots to make an early landing in some random city. With no end of the storms in sight, the airline puts you and the other passengers up in a luxurious hotel until you can take off again. On the first night you spend there a mysterious woman invades your dreams and gives you the power to increase the lust of any person you want, and promises to make you more powerful if you corrupt women in the hotel. You're now faced with a choice, do you use this power to enslave the women around you, or do you resist the temptation and use your charm and good spirit to make the the ladies fall for you? There are other question to be answered too! Who is the mystery woman, and what does she want with you? What's causing the storm, and will it ever end? Play through and find out!​

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Censorship No
Version 0.3
Developer/Publisher Zetacube
OS Win
Language English
Thread Updated 2019-01-07



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