Servant's Chamber

Версия - 0.032b





You train servants!! - Our game is a combination of dungeon crawling with rogue-like aspects such as procedurally generated levels as well as a hoard of loot, we went out of our way to ensure that each time you replay a level of the game it will take you on different paths as well as offer different loot! Our game is also quest driven, all of our quests will reveal important plot details as well as develop our characters quest by quest! - You control “Servant” the snarky and reluctant hero, you will use experience to unlock skills via the skill tree, level your stats and even equip new armor that will increase your stats while adding unique cosmetic changes to your character. Be it sexy demon wings or even that sweet sweet right stocking you've always wanted. - All of your adventures will be followed by your companions, all of whom will be eventually able to be customized and equipped with items! They all have their own distinct personalities and quirks, spend enough time with them and learn about their histories with the facility!​

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Этот разработчик также на Patreon - Если вам нравится игра, пожалуйста, подумайте о том, чтобы поддержать их, чтобы они продолжали создавать отличные игры в будущем.

Censorship None
Version 0.032b
Developer Brozeks & Grozeks / Loverslab
Platform PC / Windows
Language English
Updated 3 February, 2018



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