The Cathouse Tale

Versão - Alpha2 v0.6.5





Spoiler - V0.6.5 - It has been a longer and much more frustrating road than we expected getting this version ready, but v0.6 is finally online. There's a lot to say, but I'm going to try and keep it to a quick account of what we've accomplished with this version, what problems came up, and what that means for v0.7! - This version is all about getting the basic foundation of our gameplay system up and running. There will be a lot more to it than just interactive sex scenes, but those scenes will be the core of the game, the main feature, and we knew we needed it working asap, both to give you all an idea of what we're aiming for and to give us plenty of time to improve it and build on it. - The core idea with our sex scene gameplay is that it should be easy to just let it run and enjoy the action, and easy enough to get a "happy ending," but if you want a challenge, it's available. The gameplay we've added now is a simplified version of what we're planning to implement in the final game based on the idea that, as a talented sex worker, you can easily drive most people to orgasm, but the real challenge is in giving them the best orgasm of their lives. - So the first big feature is having interactive sex scenes at all. But this system relied on another feature we knew we wanted, and that proved a lot more difficult to implement. We've developed a new system for giving you direct control over the models, so you can make the models thrust with the motion of your mouse and get a responsive, personal experience rather than just playing a loop. Making that happen in a way that looked realistic required a lot of new inventions, and we're still improving on it. - Making that feature work well did hold us up for quite a while, but it wasn't the entire reason it's taken this long. Once the basics were in place and we started putting the project together for shipping, we found an endless procession of problems coming up with our plugins, changes in Unity, and just about every minor issue with staff's personal problems and features going haywire for little or no reason. It was, frankly, maddening. - But we did come away from this ordeal with one lesson. We've been neglecting the foundation of our game. In our struggle to rush out new versions quickly while we're still building the fundaments of the game, we've let the code get so messy that anytime you add or fix anything, two other things break. We need to work on preventing not only the bugs that you can see, but the ones so bad you don't see them because we have to take a week to fix them or it's unshippable. - So v0.7 has a lot of content waiting to go into it, but we're also going to be taking the time leading up to its release to clean house. We're looking into ways we can make sure to get it out quickly even with all this going on, and we definitely don't want to take too long after the delays v0.6 had, but it's because we're sick of those delays that we're going to take the time to do it right, now. - v0.6 does have some bug fixes in it, of couse. v0.5 had been another attempt at rushing a release and it came out very buggy, and we believe we've fixed the worst of those, especially associated with viewing sex scenes. We've also worked on improving lighting and load times. - When you open the game, you'll find we've incorporated the gameplay with a small incentive system. We want it to feel like a game, and at least similar to what is to come, so you now entertain clients to earn experience, which in turn unlocks the sex scenes with various NPCs as a reward system. You can track what's available in a second page in your tab menu. We're hoping this makes the game feel a little more engaging than if you just flick through the scenes like a gallery and leave, though we do expect players to be disappointed that it's not quite as easy to access NPC scenes immediately as before. We hope you'll humor us as we take this first step in making CHT actually play like a game! - We've still got so much planned, and I've written too much already. Keep an eye out for more previews and news coming up soon! And in the meantime, we sincerely hope you enjoy our prototype gameplay. Thank you all for your support and patience! - -Lithier

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