Being a DIK

Versão - 0.10.0





A young man from a low-income family moves away from his widowed father and his summer love to attend college at Burgmeister & Royce. As he is cast into freshman life and persuaded to join the up-and-coming fraternity Delta Iota Kappa, he'll be exposed to a new world filled with conflicts, alcohol, drugs and sex.​

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Version 0.10.0
Developer DrPinkCake GOG
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-12-08



Comentários Recentes


(continuing) Just passing by to add that the minigames are useless. Your choices not only influence who you have sex with, they also influence who you finish the game with. Depending on your actions, you won't be able to have sex with JILL, who is one of the hottest girls in the story. However, most of her actions do not harm her relationship with her. But be aware that some are essential for you to sleep with her. The game's writing is good. There are a few plots that I found boring and SKIP-pressing (like one involving a girl who deals drugs). But overall, it's a game where it's pleasant to read the dialogues. After playing dozens and dozens of VNs, this is for sure one of the best out there.


Great game! I was not into VN games, but this one is great. It has great songs! it gives you the impression that you are really influencing the course of history, which you end up realizing later is not true. The most you can change is who you fuck, but overall the story is the same regardless of your actions. If in the tests you answer the questions correctly, or if you choose any alternative, it turns out that at the end of the game nothing changes. That is, you realize that you wasted your time trying to answer correctly. Something that is lacking in this type of game is the interactivity that we see in Illusion and other 2D games like The Demon's Stele & The Dog Princess. Where we move the mouse cursor as if it were our hand or penis and the girl reacts to that. If they could put this interactivity in, games like Being a Dik would be perfect!


amazing, perfect, a masterpiece, easily the best game.


This is a fucking masterpiece. Lot of content. Play with walkthrough to get all. Top notch renders. All girls are beautiful. This game is mind-blowing. DPC surely put a lot of effort by creating this Masterpiece


the mega link is dead, can someone put a new one ?


This one is a masterpiece❤️.