Blanca, a girl from the slums, lives in a town with extreme wealth disparities. In this town, a notorious mafia group known as the “Abyss Gang” controls everything, including casinos, bars, gun shops, and brothels. - Blanca’s father, burdened by a 20,000-peso debt borrowed from the mafia, was driven to suicide, and the debt naturally fell onto Blanca’s shoulders. If she doesn’t repay the 20,000 pesos within a month, she will be sold to the mafia and forced into sexual slavery. - To repay the debt, Blanca must endure immense pressure and search for various jobs, even if it means trampling on her own dignity.
Original Title | ブランカ - スラム街の欠金少女 |
Version | 1.0 |
Developer | Duskcraft |
OS | Windows |
Language | English (GPT-4) |
Thread Updated | 2024-07-25 |
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